Welcome to Kingdom Life Church
Welcome to Kingdom Life Church, it is a pleasure that you visit us and get to know us by this means!
It is not by accident that we have the joy of meeting you. So, first of all, we want to express the love of Christ to you in a loving and sincere way. We look forward to meeting you and excited to share with you the wonderful way God has been working in our church.
Our doors are open. Our hearts are also open. If you have been thinking, praying, searching and hoping to find a church like ours, we say again: WELCOME!
Our Services
We invite you to join us in praising and blessing the name of the Lord! Because there God sends blessing and eternal life!
Sunday 11:00 am
Tuesday 7:00 pm- Prayer
Tuesday 7:00 pm- Radio
"Tiempo de Meditacion"
With the Pastor Adner Ramos
Tuesday 7:00 pm


Friday Worship Service
August 18 at 70 p.m.
Calendar August/September 2023
Actividad de Parejas

Sabado 3 de junio
7:00 pm
Clases Lideres por Zoom con el Apostol Alfonso Aponte.

Martes 20 Junio
8:00 pm
Dia Familiar de la Iglesia Vida de Reino.

Sabado 24 de junio
Noche de Adoracion con Alexandra Molina

Viernes 18 de agosto
7 pm
Pastor Franklin Hernandez :
Sabado 23 en la mañana de 10-12 pm ministrando a los lideres .
Culto evangelistico con el Pastor Franklin Hernandez
Culto evangelistico con el Pastor Franklin Hernandez

Domingo 24 de septiembre
11:00 am

Kingdom Life

We're at your service
Ministerial team
It is a ministry directed to women. This ministry deals with women as a suitable wife and an exemplary mother in her home, we talk about the confrontations that women experience in life. We are a group of women committed to God who come together to make a difference in our homes and allow ourselves to be used as instruments in the hands of God to change present and future generations.
Felicita Rodriguezwomen leader 
Youth Ministry is a ministry directed to youth. This ministry deals with the problems and challenges that young people face in society, we talk about how to stand apart for God in the midst of temptations, how to live in holiness and how to use the resources that God has given us to make a difference in our generation. .
Assistants: Manny Palacios and Candy Palacios.
Roberto y Yasner Ruizyouth leader 
This ministry deals with man as the spiritual leader of his home, we speak of man as an example in his home, work and community, the role of man in his role as father and husband and the difficulties that man faces in life. We are a group of men committed to God who come together to make a difference in our homes and allow ourselves to be used as instruments in the hands of God to change present and future generations.
Orlando BermudezMen's Leader 
The usher ministry is in charge of serving the brothers before, during the service. Ushers have a calling to serve the church and friends who visit us.
Melissa PerezUsher Leader 
Marriage is not, for a Christian, a simple social institution, much less a remedy for human weaknesses: it is an authentic supernatural vocation. For the Yes of the spouses to be a free and responsible act, and for the marriage alliance to have solid and stable human and Christian foundations, the preparation for marriage is of primary importance. The Ministry of Marriages gives them tools so that their marriage keep flourishing through the years and your romance and love continue to grow.
Christopher y Cristina Marriage Leaders 
Children are a blessing from the Lord. With these blessings also come responsibilities. As stewards of God's children, parents are responsible for helping children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Churches also have a responsibility to children. We want to provide an environment in which children are safe, taught at an age appropriate level, and encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. We minister to the spiritual needs of our children through a children's ministry program.
Felicita Rodríguez y María Elena Martínez.Kids Leaders 
Praise is a very important part of the life of the church. And every time we get together we have a time where we worship God with all our hearts in gratitude for what He He is and for the love He has for us.
Pastora Yasmin RamosPraise and Worship Ministry 
Latest Sermons
Vida de Reino
4 Videos